Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Love Infusion

I just had a dream that I was carrying around two donor kidneys in a cooler...just in case...I needed them at some point. Yes, these are the kinds of dreams I have on a regular basis and this one isn't even THAT weird. In my dream, I started to wax philosophic about how these kidneys belonged to someone else and that someone else's juicy kidneys could save my life. Mind far as I know, I don't need new kidneys, but was just a dream.

What I do need is more blood. Tomorrow, I get another blood transfusion. This time, 2 units of red blood cells and 2 units of platelets. This will take pretty much my whole day, which initally (ok currently) has me bummed out's just so incovenient to be tied to a pole all day (ha) when there is so much living to be done. Alas, my energy is so low, I would probably be laying in bed at home anyway...but at least it would be MY bed. Sigh. At any rate, I AM glad to have this option. To be infused with juicy healthy life-enhancing blood. And I am super thankful to all the people who are able to and who take the time to donate their juicy blood for people like me. It does make a difference! If you donate, keep donating!! If you are one of those people who passes out or gets ill when donating...for God's sake...don't put yourself through that...but if you am SUPER EXTRA UBER grateful to you. But, don't feel guilty if you can't donate (I don't think I can), just find another way to be awesome.

The parallel of "Take. Drink. For this is the blood of Christ, taken for you" (I hope I got those words right. LOL) has not been lost on me. The idea that someone else's blood is entering my veins and giving me a renewed level of energy and fight and vitality is really pretty amazing. A gift really. A selfless gift from someone I don't even know. Thank you stranger...for your blood giveth me strength.

I got a gift in the mail today. One of many I have received over the past several months. (I would try to list the awesome gifts I have received here, but I am terrified that I would overlook someone and that would be awful because I am grateful for every gift I have received. You are all so amazing...or should I say a-mah-zing balls)! occurred to me that my friends and family are my lifeblood. Each time I am feeling down and out, someone shows up in one way or another and infuses me with love and support  and encouragement. A friend infusion. A love infusion. It renews my fight and my vitality and reminds me that...with friends, I am never ever alone. I am so beyond grateful for these gifts and gestures that keep coming my way. They are, in a way, the push I need some days to keep on believing (key the Journey music) and I honestly do not know how I would get by without them.

I have been pretty terrible about getting thank you cards out (I am working on that...New Year's resolution-wise), but please know that every kind word, text, email, phone call, visit, FB post, delivered package is appreciated and brings a smile to my face and an even bigger smile to my heart. It infuses me with a warm happy glow knowing that I have such awesome friends and family members. I can only hope to be half as awesome as all of you when someone I love is in need. Which reminds me...I my little world of Vashni: cancer patient...I can sometimes forget that y'all have your own problems and obstacles (and sometimes certain hmm..will hide their troubles from me) so please forgive me if I have not been there to give you a love infusion when you needed it...and please give me a swift kick in the bum the next time it happens. I have so much love coming my way that I have plenty to pass on when needed. Unlike my not-so-appealing cup runneth over with love...let me pass it on to you if you need some.

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