Sunday, July 31, 2011

Holy crap!! I'm 38!?!

I woke up super early this morning and I have to admit it may have been because today is MY DAY to get pages full of birthday wishes on The Facebook and I couldn't wait to sit and watch them roll in and feel all special and loved and the center of cyber-attention, which is way more fun than actually being the center of attention in like real life or something like that.

I also had the opportunity to spend 52* glorious minutes alone with my coffee and my thoughts and my 2 cats and the dog and ponder the meaning of life and bemusedly watch as the dog and the cats struggled with the concept of the Screen Door and how they can't seem to see it or understand that they can't walk through it. Heh.

Anyway, I digress...when left alone with my thoughts this morning, I got to thinking...HOLY CRAP...I AM 38!?  I don't know why 38 sounds so much older than 37, but it does. I also know that I don't FEEL anymore 38 than I felt 37. I feel about 26 or so. Some days, I feel 16 or 12 or maybe about 9. I most certainly do not feel old enough to have a husband and a step kid. People and animals who rely on me. A house. A car. Real responsibilities. My own bank account. When did all this happen? And when does one begin to FEEL like an adult? Or is it just me?

I read an article yesterday in Self Magazine about birthdays. One woman related each birthday to a percentage of in yesterday I was 37% awesome and today I am 38% awesome. I like this. Even though that is like barely 1/3 means that well a) I'm awesome, b) I get awesome-er every year and c) there is plenty of room left for growing awesomeness. Yessss.

Awesomeness seems to be my word lately. I checked out the Urban Dictionary definition and it says "An unmeasurable amount of awesomenimity something can produce." I also really like the word "awesomenimity". Nice. Urban Dictionary also provides 2 quotes from Barney Stinson of How I Met Your Mother fame:

1) Job Interviewer: "What´s your best quality?"

    Barney: "Awesomeness!!"

(I wonder how this would go over in a real life interview?)

2) "When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story."'s my birthday and a start of a new year. I better stop blabbing and go be awesome!! Later all!!

* at 52 minutes my solitude was interrupted by a hungry talkative 7 year-old. Sigh.

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